Back in July we had to take a 300 mile detour to get to Jackson because of the Cliff Creek Fire. That detour took us right past Fossil Butte National Monument and we stopped for lunch and passport stamps. It was at Fossil Butte that we met Sara! Sara is traveling with her dog, Herbie, to all 48 states and stopping at as many National Parks as she can! We had a conversation at Fossil Butte and she shared her website/Facebook page with us (48in366).
I quickly looked her up on Facebook and "liked" her page enabling me to follow along on the rest of her journey. I have loved seeing where she ends up and what she is doing! In some cases she's been places I've been and I could offer tips and suggestions, other times I was making notes of places I wanted to go to!
When we met in Wyoming I was thinking I'd like to try and connect again when Sara was on the east coast, however the days she was exploring around here were school days and I didn't know she'd been there until she posted on Facebook which was several days after the fact! (Smart move on her part to post several days after she was in a location so no one really knows where to expect her to be on a given day! I do the same thing!) I was thinking it wouldn't work out to meet up when she was here until I realized that since she was in the general area I could invite her to our place for Thanksgiving!
I commented on a post and invited her to come to our place for the holiday! Sara had her own plans for the week, but she was able to come to Williamsburg Friday night and she came over to Mom and Dad's house for breakfast on Saturday! Yay!
It was so fun seeing Sara again and getting to properly meet her dog Herbie! We had a great time talking about travel and sharing RVing stories! I had to leave in order to get to Richmond for lunch with my aunt and uncle but Sara and my parents kept the party going until mid-afternoon!
Hopefully our paths will cross again!